package flare.util { import flash.display.Graphics; /** * Utility class defining shape types and shape drawing routines. All shape * drawing functions take two arguments: a Graphics context * to draw with and a size parameter determining the radius of the shape * (i.e., the height and width of the shape are twice the size parameter). * *

All shapes are indicated by a name. This class registers these names * with drawing functions, allowing the lookup of shape rendering routines * by the shapes name. For example, these shape names may be assigned using * a flare.vis.operator.encoder.ShapeEncoder and then later * rendered by looking up the shape with this class, as done by the * class. The set of * available shapes can be extended by using the static * setShape method to register a new shape name and * drawing function.

*/ public class Shapes { /** Constant indicating a straight line shape. */ public static const LINE : String = "line"; /** Constant indicating a Bezier curve. */ public static const BEZIER : String = "bezier"; /** Constant indicating a cardinal spline. */ public static const CARDINAL : String = "cardinal"; /** Constant indicating a B-spline. */ public static const BSPLINE : String = "bspline"; /** Constant indicating a rectangular block shape. */ public static const BLOCK : String = "block"; /** Constant indicating a polygon shape. */ public static const POLYGON : String = "polygon"; /** Constant indicating a "polyblob" shape, a polygon whose * edges are interpolated with a cardinal spline. */ public static const POLYBLOB : String = "polyblob"; /** Constant indicating a vertical bar shape. */ public static const VERTICAL_BAR : String = "verticalBar"; /** Constant indicating a horizontal bar shape. */ public static const HORIZONTAL_BAR : String = "horizontalBar"; /** Constant indicating a wedge shape. */ public static const WEDGE : String = "wedge"; /** Constant indicating a circle shape. */ public static const CIRCLE : String = "circle"; /** Constant indicating a square shape. */ public static const SQUARE : String = "square"; /** Constant indicating a cross shape. */ public static const CROSS : String = "cross"; /** Constant indicating an 'X' shape. */ public static const X : String = "x"; /** Constant indicating a diamond shape. */ public static const DIAMOND : String = "diamond"; /** Constant indicating a upward-pointing triangle shape. */ public static const TRIANGLE_UP : String = "triangleUp"; /** Constant indicating a downward-pointing triangle shape. */ public static const TRIANGLE_DOWN : String = "triangleDown"; /** Constant indicating a rightward-pointing triangle shape. */ public static const TRIANGLE_RIGHT : String = "triangleRight"; /** Constant indicating a leftward-pointing triangle shape. */ public static const TRIANGLE_LEFT : String = "triangleLeft"; private static var _shapes : Object = { circle: drawCircle, square: drawSquare, cross: drawCross, x: drawX, diamond: drawDiamond, triangleUp: drawTriangleUp, triangleDown: drawTriangleDown, triangleRight: drawTriangleRight, triangleLeft: drawTriangleLeft }; /** * Gets the shape drawing function with the given name. * @param name the name of the shape to draw * @return a function for drawing the shape or null if the shape name * is not found. The returned function takes two parameters: * a graphics object and a numerical size value. The size value * indicates the radius of the shape. */ public static function getShape(name : String) : Function { return _shapes[name]; } /** * Sets the shape drawing function for a given shape name. * @param name the name of the shape to draw * @param draw a function for drawing the shape. This function must * take two parameters: a graphics object and a numerical size value. * The size value indicates the radius of the shape. */ public static function setShape(name : String, draw : Function) : void { _shapes[name] = draw; } /** * Resets all shape drawing functions to the default settings. */ public static function resetShapes() : void { _shapes = { circle: drawCircle, square: drawSquare, cross: drawCross, x: drawX, diamond: drawDiamond, triangleUp: drawTriangleUp, triangleDown: drawTriangleDown, triangleRight: drawTriangleRight, triangleLeft: drawTriangleLeft }; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Draws a circle shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the radius of the circle */ public static function drawCircle(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.drawCircle(0, 0, size); } /** * Draws a square shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the square. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawSquare(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.drawRect(-size, -size, 2 * size, 2 * size); } /** * Draws a cross shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the cross. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawCross(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(0, -size); g.lineTo(0, size); g.moveTo(-size, 0); g.lineTo(size, 0); } /** * Draws an "x" shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the "x". The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawX(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(-size, -size); g.lineTo(size, size); g.moveTo(size, -size); g.lineTo(-size, size); } /** * Draws a diamond shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the diamond. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawDiamond(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(0, size); g.lineTo(-size, 0); g.lineTo(0, -size); g.lineTo(size, 0); g.lineTo(0, size); } /** * Draws an upward-pointing triangle shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the triangle. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawTriangleUp(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(-size, size); g.lineTo(size, size); g.lineTo(0, -size); g.lineTo(-size, size); } /** * Draws a downward-pointing triangle shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the triangle. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawTriangleDown(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(-size, -size); g.lineTo(size, -size); g.lineTo(0, size); g.lineTo(-size, -size); } /** * Draws a right-pointing triangle shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the triangle. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawTriangleRight(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(-size, -size); g.lineTo(size, 0); g.lineTo(-size, size); g.lineTo(-size, -size); } /** * Draws a left-pointing triangle shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param size the (half-)size of the triangle. The height and width of * the shape will both be exactly twice the size parameter. */ public static function drawTriangleLeft(g : Graphics, size : Number) : void { g.moveTo(size, -size); g.lineTo(-size, 0); g.lineTo(size, size); g.lineTo(size, -size); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Draws an arc (a segment of a circle's circumference) * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param x the center x-coordinate of the arc * @param y the center y-coorindate of the arc * @param radius the radius of the arc * @param a0 the starting angle of the arc (in radians) * @param a1 the ending angle of the arc (in radians) */ public static function drawArc(g : Graphics, x : Number, y : Number, radius : Number, a0 : Number, a1 : Number) : void { var slices : Number = (Math.abs(a1 - a0) * radius) / 4; var a : Number, cx : Number = x, cy : Number = y; for (var i : uint = 0;i <= slices; ++i) { a = a0 + i * (a1 - a0) / slices; x = cx + radius * Math.cos(a); y = cy + -radius * Math.sin(a); if (i == 0) { g.moveTo(x, y); } else { g.lineTo(x, y); } } } /** * Draws a wedge defined by an angular range and inner and outer radii. * An inner radius of zero results in a pie-slice shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param x the center x-coordinate of the wedge * @param y the center y-coorindate of the wedge * @param outer the outer radius of the wedge * @param inner the inner radius of the wedge * @param a0 the starting angle of the wedge (in radians) * @param a1 the ending angle of the wedge (in radians) */ public static function drawWedge(g : Graphics, x : Number, y : Number, outer : Number, inner : Number, a0 : Number, a1 : Number) : void { var a : Number = Math.abs(a1 - a0); var slices : int = Math.max(4, int(a * outer / 6)); var cx : Number = x, cy : Number = y, x0 : Number, y0 : Number; var circle : Boolean = (a >= 2 * Math.PI - 0.001); if (slices <= 0) return; // pick starting point if (inner <= 0 && !circle) { g.moveTo(cx, cy); } else { x0 = cx + outer * Math.cos(a0); y0 = cy + -outer * Math.sin(a0); g.moveTo(x0, y0); } // draw outer arc for (var i : uint = 0;i <= slices; ++i) { a = a0 + i * (a1 - a0) / slices; x = cx + outer * Math.cos(a); y = cy + -outer * Math.sin(a); g.lineTo(x, y); } if (circle) { // return to starting point g.lineTo(x0, y0); } else if (inner > 0) { // draw inner arc for (i = slices + 1;--i >= 0;) { a = a0 + i * (a1 - a0) / slices; x = cx + inner * Math.cos(a); y = cy + -inner * Math.sin(a); g.lineTo(x, y); } g.lineTo(x0, y0); } else { // return to center g.lineTo(cx, cy); } } /** * Draws a polygon shape. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param a a flat object vector/array of x, y values defining the polygon */ public static function drawPolygon(g : Graphics, a : Vector.) : void { g.moveTo(a[0] as Number, a[1] as Number); for (var i : uint = 2;i < a.length; i += 2) { g.lineTo(a[i] as Number, a[i + 1] as Number); } g.lineTo(a[0] as Number, a[1] as Number); } /** * Draws a cubic Bezier curve. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param ax x-coordinate of the starting point * @param ay y-coordinate of the starting point * @param bx x-coordinate of the first control point * @param by y-coordinate of the first control point * @param cx x-coordinate of the second control point * @param cy y-coordinate of the second control point * @param dx x-coordinate of the ending point * @param dy y-coordinate of the ending point * @param move if true (the default), the graphics context will be * moved to the starting point before drawing starts. If false, * no move command will be issued; this is useful when connecting * multiple curves to define a filled region. */ public static function drawCubic(g : Graphics, ax : Number, ay : Number, bx : Number, by : Number, cx : Number, cy : Number, dx : Number, dy : Number, move : Boolean = true) : void { var subdiv : int, u : Number, xx : Number, yy : Number; // determine number of line segments subdiv = int((Math.sqrt((xx = (bx - ax)) * xx + (yy = (by - ay)) * yy) + Math.sqrt((xx = (cx - bx)) * xx + (yy = (cy - by)) * yy) + Math.sqrt((xx = (dx - cx)) * xx + (yy = (dy - cy)) * yy)) / 4); if (subdiv < 1) subdiv = 1; // compute Bezier co-efficients var c3x : Number = 3 * (bx - ax); var c2x : Number = 3 * (cx - bx) - c3x; var c1x : Number = dx - ax - c3x - c2x; var c3y : Number = 3 * (by - ay); var c2y : Number = 3 * (cy - by) - c3y; var c1y : Number = dy - ay - c3y - c2y; if (move) g.moveTo(ax, ay); for (var i : uint = 0;i <= subdiv; ++i) { u = i / subdiv; xx = u * (c3x + u * (c2x + u * c1x)) + ax; yy = u * (c3y + u * (c2y + u * c1y)) + ay; g.lineTo(xx, yy); } } // -- BSpline rendering state variables -- private static var _knot : Vector. = new Vector.(20); private static var _basis : Vector. = new Vector.(36); /** * Draws a cubic open uniform B-spline. The spline passes through the * first and last control points, but not necessarily any others. * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param pp a flat Object vector or Array of points defining the spline control points, * e.g., v:Vector. = Vectors.copyFromArray([x1,y1,x2,y2]); * @param slack a slack parameter determining the "tightness" of the * spline. At value 1 (the default) a normal b-spline will be drawn, * at value 0 a straight line between the first and last points will * be drawn. Intermediate values interpolate smoothly between these * two extremes. * @param move if true (the default), the graphics context will be * moved to the starting point before drawing starts. If false, * no move command will be issued; this is useful when connecting * multiple curves to define a filled region. */ public static function drawBSpline(g : Graphics, pp : *, npts : int = -1, move : Boolean = true) : void { var p : Vector.; if(pp is Array) p = Vectors.copyFromArray(pp); else p = pp; var N : int = (npts < 0 ? p.length / 2 : npts); var k : int = N < 4 ? 3 : 4, nplusk : int = N + k; var i : int, j : int, s : int, subdiv : int = 40; var x : Number, y : Number, step : Number, u : Number; // if only two points, draw a line between them if (N == 2) { if (move) g.moveTo(p[0] as Number, p[1] as Number); g.lineTo(p[2] as Number, p[3] as Number); return; } // initialize knot vector for (i = 1, _knot[0] = 0;i < nplusk; ++i) { _knot[i] = Number(_knot[i - 1]) + (i >= k && i <= N ? 1 : 0); } // calculate the points on the bspline curve step = (_knot[nplusk - 1] as Number) / subdiv; for (s = 0;s <= subdiv; ++s) { u = step * s; // calculate basis function ----- for (i = 0;i < nplusk - 1; ++i) { // first-order _basis[i] = (u >= _knot[i] && u < _knot[i + 1] ? 1 : 0); } for (j = 2;j <= k; ++j) { // higher-order for (i = 0;i < nplusk - j; ++i) { x = ((_basis[i ] as Number) == 0 ? 0 : ((u - (_knot[i] as Number)) * (_basis[i] as Number)) / ((_knot[i + j - 1] as Number) - (_knot[i] as Number))); y = ((_basis[i + 1] as Number) == 0 ? 0 : (((_knot[i + j] as Number) - u) * (_basis[i + 1] as Number)) / ((_knot[i + j] as Number) - (_knot[i + 1] as Number))); _basis[i] = x + y; } } if (u == _knot[nplusk - 1]) _basis[N - 1] = 1; // last point // interpolate b-spline point ----- for (i = 0, j = 0, x = 0, y = 0;i < N; ++i, j += 2) { x += (_basis[i] as Number) * (p[j] as Number); y += (_basis[i] as Number) * (p[j + 1] as Number); } if (s == 0) { if (move) g.moveTo(x, y); } else { g.lineTo(x, y); } } } /** * Draws a cardinal spline composed of piecewise connected cubic * Bezier curves. Curve control points are inferred so as to ensure * C1 continuity (continuous derivative). * @param g the graphics context to draw with * @param pp a flat Object Vector or Array defining a polygon or polyline to render with a * cardinal spline, e.g., v:Vector. = Vectors.copyFromArray([x1,y1,...]); * @param s a tension parameter determining the spline's "tightness" * @param closed indicates if the cardinal spline should be a closed * shape. False by default. */ public static function drawCardinal(g : Graphics, pp : *, npts : int = -1, s : Number = 0.15, closed : Boolean = false) : void { var p : Vector.; if(pp is Array) p = Vectors.copyFromArray(pp); else p = pp; // compute the size of the path var len : uint = (npts < 0 ? p.length : 2 * npts); if (len < 6) throw new Error("Cardinal splines require at least 3 points"); var dx1 : Number, dy1 : Number, dx2 : Number, dy2 : Number; g.moveTo(p[0] as Number, p[1] as Number); // compute first control points if (closed) { dx2 = (p[2] as Number) - (p[len - 2] as Number); dy2 = (p[3] as Number) - (p[len - 1] as Number); } else { dx2 = (p[4] as Number) - (p[0] as Number); dy2 = (p[5] as Number) - (p[1] as Number); } // iterate through control points var i : uint = 0; for (i = 2;i < len - 2; i += 2) { dx1 = dx2; dy1 = dy2; dx2 = (p[i + 2] as Number) - (p[i - 2] as Number); dy2 = (p[i + 3] as Number) - (p[i - 1] as Number); drawCubic(g, (p[i - 2] as Number), (p[i - 1] as Number), (p[i - 2] as Number) + s * dx1, (p[i - 1] as Number) + s * dy1, (p[i] as Number) - s * dx2, (p[i + 1] as Number) - s * dy2, (p[i] as Number), (p[i + 1] as Number), false); } // finish spline if (closed) { dx1 = dx2; dy1 = dy2; dx2 = (p[0] as Number) - (p[i - 2] as Number); dy2 = (p[1] as Number) - (p[i - 1] as Number); drawCubic(g, (p[i - 2] as Number), (p[i - 1] as Number), (p[i - 2] as Number) + s * dx1, (p[i - 1] as Number) + s * dy1, (p[i] as Number) - s * dx2, (p[i + 1] as Number) - s * dy2, (p[i] as Number), (p[i + 1] as Number), false); dx1 = dx2; dy1 = dy2; dx2 = (p[2] as Number) - (p[len - 2] as Number); dy2 = (p[3] as Number) - (p[len - 1] as Number); drawCubic(g, (p[len - 2] as Number), (p[len - 1] as Number), (p[len - 2] as Number) + s * dx1, (p[len - 1] as Number) + s * dy1, (p[0] as Number) - s * dx2, (p[1] as Number) - s * dy2, (p[0] as Number), (p[1] as Number), false); } else { drawCubic(g, (p[i - 2] as Number), (p[i - 1] as Number), (p[i - 2] as Number) + s * dx1, (p[i - 1] as Number) + s * dy1, (p[i] as Number) - s * dx2, (p[i + 1] as Number) - s * dy2, (p[i] as Number), (p[i + 1] as Number), false); } } /** * A helper function for consolidating end points and control points * for a spline into a single object vector. * @param x1 the x-coordinate for the first end point * @param y1 the y-coordinate for the first end point * @param controlPoints an object vector of control points * @param x2 the x-coordinate for the second end point * @param y2 the y-coordinate for the second end point * @param p the object vector in which to store the consolidated points. * If null, a new object vector will be created and returned. * @return the consolidated object vector of all points */ public static function consolidate(x1 : Number, y1 : Number, controlPoints : Vector., x2 : Number, y2 : Number, p : Vector. = null) : Vector. { var len : int = 4 + controlPoints.length; if (!p) { p = new Vector.(len); } else { while (p.length < len) p.push(0); } Vectors.copy(controlPoints, p, 0, 2); p[0] = x1; p[1] = y1; p[len - 2] = x2; p[len - 1] = y2; return p; } } // end of class Shapes }