package flare.util { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; /** * Utility methods for working with display objects. The methods include * support for panning, rotating, and zooming objects, generating thumbnail * images, traversing children lists, and adding stage listeners. */ public class Displays { private static var _point : Point = new Point(); /** * Constructor, throws an error if called, as this is an abstract class. */ public function Displays() { throw new Error("This is an abstract class."); } /** * Adds a listener to the stage via a given display object. If the * display object has already been added to the stage, the listener * will be added to the stage immediately. Otherwise, the listener will * be added whenever the display object is added to the stage. This * method allows you to add listeners for stage events without having * to explicitly manage the case where the defining elements have not * yet been added to the stage. * @param d the display object through which to access the stage * @param eventType the event type * @param listener the event listener * @param useCapture the event useCapture flag * @param priority the event listener priority * @param useWeakReference the event useWeakReference flag * @return the function that will add the listener to the stage upon * an added to stage event, or null if the listener was directly * added to the stage * @see */ public static function addStageListener(d : DisplayObject, eventType : String, listener : Function, useCapture : Boolean = false, priority : Number = 0, useWeakReference : Boolean = false) : Function { if (d.stage) { d.stage.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference); return null; } else { var add : Function = function(e : Event = null):void { d.stage.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference); d.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, add); d.stage.invalidate(); } d.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, add); return add; } } /** * Iterates over the children of the input display object container, * invoking a visitor function on each. If the visitor function returns * a Boolean true value, the iteration will stop with an early exit. * @param con the container to visit * @param visitor the visitor function to invoke on the children * @param filter an optional filter indicating which items should be * visited * @param reverse optional flag indicating if the list should be * visited in reverse order * @return true if the visitation was interrupted with an early exit */ public static function visitChildren(con : DisplayObjectContainer, visitor : Function, filter : *= null, reverse : Boolean = false) : Boolean { var i : uint, o : DisplayObject; var f : Function = Filter.$(filter); if (reverse) for (i = con.numChildren;--i >= 0; ) { o = con.getChildAt(i); if ((f == null || f(o)) && (visitor(o) as Boolean)) return true; } else for (i = 0;i < con.numChildren; ++i) { o = con.getChildAt(i); if ((f == null || f(o)) && (visitor(o) as Boolean)) return true; } return false; } /** * Sorts the children of the given DisplayObjectContainer * using a comparator function. * @param d a display object container to sort. The sort may change the * rendering order in which the contained display objects are drawn. * @param cmp a comparator Function. */ public static function sortChildren( d : DisplayObjectContainer, cmp : Function) : void { if (d == null) return; var a : Vector. = new Vector.(d.numChildren); for (var i : int = 0;i < a.length; ++i) { a[i] = d.getChildAt(i); } // Vector objects require a comparison function, so arbitrarily choosing // Array.NUMERIC if (cmp == null) a.sort(Function(Array.NUMERIC)) else a.sort(cmp); for (i = 0;i < a.length; ++i) { d.setChildIndex(a[i] as DisplayObject, i); } } /** * Sets property values on all children items. The values * within the vals argument can take a number of forms: * * @param d the container whose children's properties should be set. * @param vals an object containing the properties and values to set. * @param p an optional IValueProxy for collecting value updates. */ public static function setChildrenProperties(d : DisplayObjectContainer, vals : Object, p : IValueProxy = null) : void { if (p == null) p = Property.proxy; var o : Object, i : uint; for (var name:String in vals) { var value : * = vals[name]; var v : Function = value is Function ? value as Function : value is IEvaluable ? IEvaluable(value).eval : null; for (i = 0;i < d.numChildren; ++i) { o = d.getChildAt(i); p.setValue(o, name, v != null ? v(p.$(o)) : value); } } } /** * Creates a thumbnail image of the input object using the (optional) * given size. If no width, height, or bitmap data parameters are * provided then the natural size of the display object will be used. * If no width or height values are provided (i.e., they are less than * or equal to zero) but a bitmap data is provided, than the dimensions * of the bitmap data will be used. If all parameters are provided but * the width and height exceed the size of the bitmap data, then the * object will be drawn to match the provided width and height, but the * thumbnail will be clipped to the size of the bitmap data. If only * one of the width or height values are provided, than the other will * automatically be selected to preserve the original aspect ratio of * the object. * @param src the DisplayObject to create a thumbnail image of * @param width the desired width of the object in the thumbnail. If * this value is less than or equal to zero it is ignored. * @param height the desired height of the object in the thumbnail If * this value is less than or equal to zero it is ignored. * @param bd a BitmapData instance into which to draw the thumbnail. * If no value is provided, a new BitmapData instance of the needed * width and height will automatically be created. * @return the thumbnail image as a BitmapData instance */ public static function thumbnail(src : DisplayObject, width : Number = -1, height : Number = -1, bd : BitmapData = null, clipRect : Rectangle = null) : BitmapData { try { // make sure everything is rendered if DirtySprites exist getDefinitionByName("flare.display.DirtySprite").renderDirty(); } catch (err : Error) { /* do nothing */ } var r : Rectangle = src.getBounds(src); var hasW : Boolean = width > 0, hasH : Boolean = height > 0; // get thumbnail dimensions if (hasW && !hasH) { height = r.height * width / r.width; } else if (!hasW && hasH) { width = r.width * height / r.height; } else { width = hasW ? width : (bd ? bd.width : r.width); height = hasH ? height : (bd ? bd.height : r.height); } // create bitmap data as needed bd = bd ? bd : new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0); // determine object transformation var mat : Matrix = new Matrix(); mat.translate(-r.left,; mat.scale(width / r.width, height / r.height); // draw the thumbnail and return bd.draw(src, mat, src.transform.colorTransform, src.blendMode, clipRect); return bd; } // -- Transformation Routines ----------------------------------------- /** * Performs a pan (translation) on an input matrix. * The result is a transformation matrix including the translation. * @param mat an input transformation matrix * @param dx the change in x position * @param dy the change in y position * @return the resulting, panned transformation matrix */ public static function panMatrixBy(mat : Matrix, dx : Number, dy : Number) : Matrix { mat.translate(dx, dy); return mat; } /** * Performs a zoom about a specific point on an input matrix. * The result is a transformation matrix including the zoom. * @param mat an input transformation matrix * @param scale a scale factor specifying the amount to zoom. A value * of 2 will zoom in such that objects are twice as large. A value of * 0.5 will zoom out such that objects are half the size. * @param p the point about which to zoom in or out * @return the resulting, zoomed transformation matrix */ public static function zoomMatrixBy(mat : Matrix, scale : Number, p : Point) : Matrix { mat.translate(-p.x, -p.y); mat.scale(scale, scale); mat.translate(p.x, p.y); return mat; } /** * Performs a rotation around a specific point on an input matrix. * The result is a transformation matrix including the rotation. * @param mat an input transformation matrix * @param angle the rotation angle, in degrees * @param p the point about which to zoom in or out * @return the resulting, rotated transformation matrix */ public static function rotateMatrixBy(mat : Matrix, angle : Number, p : Point) : Matrix { mat.translate(-p.x, -p.y); mat.rotate(angle * Math.PI / 180); mat.translate(p.x, p.y); return mat; } /** * Pan the "camera" by the specified amount. * @param obj the display object to treat as the camera * @param dx the change in x position, in the parent's coordinate space * @param dy the change in y position, in the parent's coordinate space * @param vp an optional value proxy (such as a * Transitioner) for storing the new transform matrix */ public static function panBy(obj : DisplayObject, dx : Number, dy : Number, vp : IValueProxy = null) : void { var mat : Matrix = panMatrixBy(obj.transform.matrix, dx, dy); if (vp == null) obj.transform.matrix = mat; else vp.setValue(obj, "transform.matrix", mat); } /** * Zoom the "camera" by the specified scale factor. * @param obj the display object to treat as the camera * @param scale a scale factor specifying the amount to zoom. A value * of 2 will zoom in such that objects are twice as large. A value of * 0.5 will zoom out such that objects are half the size. * @param xp the x-coordinate around which to zoom, in stage * coordinates. If this value is NaN, 0 will be used. * @param yp the y-coordinate around which to zoom, in stage * coordinates. If this value is NaN, 0 will be used. * @param vp an optional value proxy (such as a * Transitioner) for storing the new transform matrix */ public static function zoomBy(obj : DisplayObject, scale : Number, xp : Number = NaN, yp : Number = NaN, vp : IValueProxy = null) : void { var p : Point = getLocalPoint(obj, xp, yp); var mat : Matrix = zoomMatrixBy(obj.transform.matrix, scale, p); if (vp == null) obj.transform.matrix = mat; else vp.setValue(obj, "transform.matrix", mat); } /** * Helper routine that maps points from stage coordinates to this * camera's parent's coordinate space. If either input value is NaN, * a value of zero is assumed. */ private static function getLocalPoint(obj : DisplayObject, xp : Number, yp : Number) : Point { var xn : Boolean = isNaN(xp); var yn : Boolean = isNaN(yp); var p : Point = _point; if (!(xn && yn)) { p.x = xp; p.y = yp; p = obj.parent.globalToLocal(p); } if (xn) p.x = 0; if (yn) p.y = 0; return p; } } // end of class Displays }