package flare.query { /** * Expression operator that performs function invocation. The set of * available functions is determined by a static function table maintained * by this class. The function table can be extended to introduce custom * functions into the query language. */ public class Fn extends CompositeExpression { private var _name:String; private var _func:Function; private var _args:Array; /** * Creates a new Fn (function) operator. * @param name the name of the function. This should map to an entry * in the static function table. * @params args sub-expressions for the function arguments */ public function Fn(name:String=null, ...args) { if(name) = name; super(args); } /** * Sets the name of the function. This should map to an entry * in the static function table. */ public function set name(n:String):void{ _name = n.toUpperCase(); _func = table[_name]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public override function clone():Expression { return new Fn(_name, _children); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public override function eval(o:Object=null):* { // first, initialize the argument array as needed if (_args == null || _args.length != _children.length) { _args = new Array(_children.length); } // now evaluate all sub-expressions for (var i:int=0; i<_children.length; ++i) { _args[i] = _children[i].eval(o); } // now evaluate the function return _func.apply(null, _args); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public override function toString():String { return _name + getString(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Function table mapping function names to Function instances. * Functions can be added or removed at run-time by editing this * object. */ public static var table:Object = { // Math Functions ABS: Math.abs, ACOS: Math.acos, ASIN: Math.asin, ATAN: Math.atan, ATAN2: Math.atan2, CEIL: Math.ceil, CEILING: Math.ceil, COS: Math.cos, EXP: Math.exp, FLOOR: Math.floor, LOG: Math.log, MAX: Math.max, MIN: Math.min, POW: Math.pow, POWER: Math.pow, RANDOM: Math.random, ROUND: Math.round, SIN: Math.sin, SQRT: Math.sqrt, TAN: Math.tan, // String Functions CONCAT: StringUtil.concat, CONCAT_WS: StringUtil.concat_ws, FORMAT: StringUtil.format, INSERT: StringUtil.insert, LEFT: StringUtil.left, LENGTH: StringUtil.length, LOWER: StringUtil.lower, LCASE: StringUtil.lower, LPAD: StringUtil.lpad, MID: StringUtil.substring, POSITION: StringUtil.position, REVERSE: StringUtil.reverse, REPEAT: StringUtil.repeat, REPLACE: StringUtil.replace, RIGHT: StringUtil.right, RPAD: StringUtil.rpad, SPACE:, SUBSTRING: StringUtil.substring, UPPER: StringUtil.upper, UCASE: StringUtil.upper, // Date/Time Functions DATE:, DAY:, DAYOFWEEK: DateUtil.dayOfWeek, HOUR: DateUtil.hour, MICROSECOND:DateUtil.microsecond, MINUTE: DateUtil.minute, MONTH: DateUtil.month, NOW:, SECOND: DateUtil.second, YEAR: DateUtil.year }; } // end of class Fn }