package { import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A data source provides access to remote data on the Internet. * A DataSource requires a URL for retrieving a data file, and a format * string representing the data format. The currently supported formats are * "tab" (Tab-Delimited Text) and "json" (JavaScript Object Notation). * Additionally, a DataSource can be given a schema object describing the * data fields and their types (int, Number, Date, String, etc). If no * schema is provided, the data converter for the particular format will * attempt to infer the data types directly from the data itself. * *

Once a DataSource has been created, use the load method to * initiate data loading. This method returns a URLLoader * instance. Add a listener to the URLLoader's COMPLETE event to be * notified when loading and parsing has been completed. When a COMPLETE * event is issued, the URLLoader's data property will contain the * loaded and parsed data set.

*/ public class DataSource { private var _url:String; private var _format:String; private var _schema:DataSchema; /** The URL of the remote data set. */ public function get url():String { return _url; } public function set url(u:String):void { _url = u; } /** The format of the remote data set (e.g., "tab" or "json"). */ public function get format():String { return _format; } /** A schema describing the attributes of the data set. */ public function get schema():DataSchema { return _schema; } /** * Creates a new DataSource. * @param url the URL of the remote data set * @param format the format of the remote data set (e.g., "tab" or * "json") * @param schema an optional schema describing the attibutes of the * data set */ public function DataSource(url:String, format:String, schema:DataSchema=null) { _url = url; _format = format; _schema = schema; } /** * Initiates loading of the data set. When the load completes, a data * converter instance is used to convert the retrieved data set into * ActionScript objects. The parsed data is then available through the * data property of the returned URLLoader. * @return a URLLoader instance responsible for loading the data set. * Add an event listener for the COMPLETE event to be * notified when data loading has completed. */ public function load():URLLoader { var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY; loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(evt:Event):void { var conv:IDataConverter = Converters.lookup(_format); =, _schema); } ); loader.load(new URLRequest(_url)); return loader; } /* TODO later -- support streaming data public function stream():URLStream { } */ } // end of class DataSource }