Street & Smith Radio Scripts

The Shadow (for South American broadcast, Portuguese language)


Date                 Episode              Title                                     Pages

1939-40              no. 133              "O Desafio Do Condenado"
                     (script 69)          ("Murder in the Death House")             25
1939-40              no. 197              "A Morte Chama Seus Filhos"
                     (script 70)          ("Suicide Resort")                        24
1939-40              no. 9                "O Precipicio da Morte"
                     (script 71)          ("The Precipice Called Death")            27
1939-40              no. 191              "A Casa do Crime"
                     (script 72)          ("Murder Host")                           25
1939-40              no. 13               "O Morto Vivo"
                     (script 73)          ("The Return of Carnation
                                                 Charlie")                          26
1939-40              no. 4                "O Escultor da Morte"
                     (script 74)          ("Death is an Art")                       23
1939-40              no. 165              "O Crime Do Moinho Abandonado"
                     (script 75)          ("Coinage of Death")                      23
1939-40              no. 200              "A Vingan‡a de Jeff"
                     (script 76)          ("The Great Submarine Mystery")           25
1939-40              no. 199              "Vozes que Matam"
                     (script 77)          ("Death on the Bridge")                   25
1939-40              no. 5                "O Morto Assassino"
                     (script 79)          ("Murderer's Vanity")                     27
1940-41              no. 3                "A Morte em R‚ Menor"
                     (script 83)          ("Death in a Minor Key")                  28
1940-41              no. 181              "A Cidade Fantasma"
                     (script 84)          ("Ghost Town")                            24
1940-41              no. 184              "A Mulher do Diabo"
                     (script 85)          ("The Island of the Living Dead")         22
1940-41              no. 22               "Oprofeta da Morte"
                     (script 86)          ("The Oracle of Death")                   28

1940-41              no. 132              "A Maldi‡ao da Aranha Negra"
                     (script 87)          ("The Mark of the Black Widow")           27
1940-41              no. 190              "O Trem Fantasma"
                     (script 89)          ("Carnival of Death")                     24
1940-41              no. 209              "O Fantasma da Floresta"
                     (script 88)          ("The Creeper")                           24
1940-41              no. 1                "O Fantasma Verde"
                     (script 91)          ("The Green Man")                         31
1940-41              no. 6                "O Maldi‡ao de Shiva"
                     (script 92)          ("The Curse of Shiva")                    26
1940-41              no. 210              "O Natal do Pequeno Joe"
                     (script 95)                 ("Joe's Christmas Story")                 23
1940-41              no. 23               "O Fantasma da Escada"
                     (script 96)          ("The Ghost on the Stair")                24
1940-41              no. 8                "O Leopardo Assassino"
                     (script 97)          ("The Leopard Strikes")                   27
1940-41              no. 2                "Arranha C‚u da Morte"
                     (script 98)          ("Ghost Building")                        23
1940-41              no. 217              "Cavalos Indendiados"
                     (script 65)          ("The Flight of the Vulture")             25
1940-41              no. 189              "O Mist‚rio do Manuscrito"
                     (script 99)          ("The Shadow Challenge")                  25
1940-41              no. 19               "Testamento Maldito"
                     (script 100)         ("The Ghost of Caleb MacKenzie")          25
1940-41              no. 20               "Noite de Terror"
                     (script 101)         ("Nightmare at Gaelsberry")               28
1940-41              no. 26               "Cartada Final"
                     (script 102)         ("The Man Who Lived Thrice")              26
1940-41              no. 27               "O Navio Fantasma"
                     (script 103)         ("Phantom Voyage")                        23
1940-41              no. 166              "Assassinato por Aposta"
                     (script 104)         ("The Chess Club Murders")                23
1940-41              no. 25               "A Maldi‡þo da Feiticeira"
                     (script 105)         ("Death Rides a Broomstick")              25
1940-41              no. 18               "A Ronda da Morte"
                     (script 108)         ("Death Prowls at Night")                 28
1940-41              no. 7                "A Quadrilha Fantasma"
                     (script 110)         ("Murder from the Grave")                 26
1940-41              no. 196              "Hospede Sinistro"
                     (script 111)         ("Death on the Rails")                    24
1941-42              no. 21               "O Minist‚rio do Retrato"
                     (script 113)         ("Headsman of the Camerons")              25
1941-42              no. 12               "A Estalagem da Morte"
                     (script 114)         ("Assignment of Murder")                  27
1941-42              no. 32               "A Joia Fatidica"
                     (script 115)         ("Dragon's Tongue Murders")               21
1941-42              no. 36               "A Navio Negreiro"
                     (script 116)         ("The Hoodoo Ship")                       24
1941-42              no. 167              "A Hora do Diabo"
                     (script 117)         ("The Devil's Hour")                      24
1941-42              no. 48               "A Vingan‡a do Gangster"
                     (script S/N)         ("Terror by Night")                       23
1941-42              no. 30               "A Morte na Universidade"
                     (script S/N)         ("The Organ Played at Midnight")          26
1941-42              no. 76               "A Pista Enganadora"
                     (script 120)         ("The Case of the Three Frightened
                                          Policemen")                               20
1941-42              no. 33               "O Anel Luminoso"
                     (script 121)         ("The Circle of Light")                   27
1942-43              no. 24               "A Maldi‡ao do Magico"
                     (script 2)           ("Death Comes to a Magician")             27
1942-43              no. 31               "Enterrado em Vida"
                     (script 145)         ("The Wailing Corpse")                    23
1942-43              no. 72               "'O Sombra' Enganado"
                     (script 146)         ("Star of the Orient")                    23
1942-43              no. 35               "A Dama de Negro"
                     (script 147)         ("The Lady in Black")                     24
1942-43              no. 198              "O Castigo Vem do Alto"
                     (script 148)         ("Death from the Sky")                    23
1942-43              no. 67               "A Flexa da Morte"
                     (script 149)         ("Death Shoots an Arrow")                 27
1942-43              no. 45               "O Carrilhao da Morte"
                     (script 150)         ("The Bells Toll Death")                  22
1942-43              no. 66               "A Caveira Que Fala"
                     (script 151)         ("The Case of the Talking Skull")         23
1942-43              no. 64               "A Experiencia no Condenado"
                     (script 153)         ("The Glowing Death")                     20
1942-43              no. 37               "Arma Secret "
                     (script 157)         ("The Secret Weapon")                     23
1942-43              no. 61               "A Cancao do Pavor"
                     (script 158)         ("The Song of Fear")                      25
1942-43              no. 46               "A Marca de Cain"
                     (script 159)         ("The Mark of Cain")                      21
1942-43              no. 47               "A Linguagem dos Mortos"
                     (script 160)         ("The Language of the Dead")              22
1942-43              no. 42               "A Toque da Morte"
                     (script 161)         ("The Touch of Death")                    20
1942-43              no. 74               "A Vida Comprada"
                     (script 162)         ("The Man Who Bought Life")               26
1942-43              no. 50               "A Volta do Morto"
                     (script 164)         ("The Mistery [sic] of Snake House")      21
1941-42              no. 34               "Os Mendigos da Morte"
                     (script 122)         ("Beggars of Death")                      25
1941-42              no. 40               "A Serpente Vingadora"
                     (script 123)         ("The Case of Baldring Heights")          23
1941-42              no. 86               "O Vampiro"
                     (script 124)         ("The Undead")                            22
1941-42              no. 94               "A Vingan‡a do Sentenciado"
                     (script 125)         ("Death Imported")                        23
1941-42              no. 84               "O Juiz Alma Negra"
                     (script 128)         ("Drums of Death")                        19
1941-42              no. 87               "O Monstro do Pantano"
                     (script 129)         ("The Thing in the Swamp")                17
1941-42              no. 82               "A Ultima Representa‡þo"
                     (script 130)         ("Dead Man's Revenge")                    19
1941-42              no. 85               "A Volta de Anatole Chevanic"
                     (script 131)         ("The Return of Anatole Chevanic")        19
1941-42              no. 79               "Um Crime Quasi Perfeito"
                     (script 132)         ("Design for Death")                      22
1941-42              no. 83               "A Morte Sempre Condena"
                     (script 133)         ("Death Speaks Twice")                    21
1941-42              no. 78               "A Morte Concede Bis"
                     (script 134)         ("Death Gives an Encore")                 20
1941-42              no. 92               "O Raio da Morte"
                     (script 135)         ("Dead Men Tell")                         25
1941-42              no. 88               "Um Caso de Trai‡o"
                     (script 136)         ("Death for a Messenger")                 20
1941-42              no. 97               "O Altar da Morte"
                     (script 137)         ("Altar of Death")                        22
1941-42              no. 80               "Ambi‡þo Assassina"
                     (script 138)         ("Murder Deferred")                       19
1943-44              no. 53               "O Bosque Mal Assombrado"
                     (script 165)         ("The Gibbering Things")                  23
1943-44              no. 38               "A Bola de Cristal"
                     (script 116)         ("The Crystal Globe")                     26
1943-44              no. 55               "Miniaturas da Morte"
                     (script 167)         ("Dolls of Death")                        22
1943-44              no. 65               "O Mist‚rio do Mausol‚o"
                     (script 168)         ("The Weird Sisters")                     25
1943-44              no. 59               "O Homem que Nþo Podia Morrer"
                     (script 169)         ("The Man Who Could not Die")             24
1943-44              no. 62               "O Sanat¢rio da Morte"
                     (script 170)         ("The Secret of the Valhalla Lodge")      24
1943-44              no. 71               "O Navio Condenado"
                     (script 171)         ("Ship of Doom")                          23
1943-44              no. 57               "O Fantasma do Arranha-C‚u"
                     (script 172)         ("The Phantom of the Skyscraper")         26
1943-44              no. 54               "`O Sombra' Descoberto"
                     (script 173)         ("The Secret of the `Shadow'")            22
1943-44              no. 70               "A Morte no Cemit‚rio"
                     (script 174)         ("Death at Graveyard Post")               29
1943-44              no. 68               "A Casa Maldita"
                     (script 175)         ("Bubbling Death")                        25
1943-44              no. 69               "A Corrida com a Morte"
                     (script 176)         ("The Race with Death")                   25
1943-44              no. 43               "O Clube dos Condenados"
                     (script 177)         ("Club of Doom")                          25
1943-44              no. 51               "O Invento Secreto"
                     (script 178)         ("The Juggernaut")                        22
1943-44              no. 44               "A Serpente Negra"
                     (script 179)         ("The Black Serpent")                     24
1943-44              no. 58               "A Beleza Sinistra"
                     (script 180)         ("The Case of the Immortal Beauty")       24
1943-44              no. 81               "A Morte Ataca de Madrugada"
                     (script 181)         ("Death Stalks at Night")                 20
1943-44              no. 39               "O Domino Vermelho"
                     (script 182)         ("The Red Domino")                        28
1943-44              no. 49               "O Morto que Pensa"
                     (script 183)         ("The Case of the Avenging Brain")        22
1943-44              no. 63               "As Chamas da Morte"
                     (script 185)         ("Flames of Death")                       23
1943-44              no. 60               "A Mao que Sentia Fome"
                     (script 186)         ("The Hungry Hand")                       22
1943-44              no. 52               "O Chamado da Morte"
                     (script 187)         ("The Death Ride")                        25
1943-44              no. 77               "A Vingan‡a da Morta"
                     (script 188)         ("The House Where Madness Dwelt")         22
1943-44              no. 41               "O Sombra em Perigo"
                     (script 189)         ("Death to the Shadow")                   24
1943-44              no. 107              "O Mist‚rio do Bracelete"
                     (script 190)         ("Drums of Doom")                         26
1943-44              no. 105              "O Sono da Imortalidade"
                     (script 191)         ("Death in the Tomb")                     26
1943-44              no. 110              "A Morte Escreve a Historia"
                     (script 192)         ("Death Makes the Headline")              26
1943-44              no. 91               "Encontro com a Morte"
                     (script 193)         ("A Date with Death")                     20
1937-38              no. 108              "Perigo na Escuridao"
                     (script 140)         ("Danger in the Dark")                    25
1937-38              no. 101              "O Fantasma do Enforcado"
                     (script 139)         ("Murder by the Dead")                    26
1937-38              no. 102              "Os Tres Fantasmas"
                     (script 137)         ("The Three Ghosts")                      21
1937-38              no. 129              "O Transmissor da Morte"
                     (script 7)           ("Death Rides the Skyway")                24
1937-38              no. 127              "O Rubi Maldito"
                     (script 9)           ("The Ruby of Modoc")                     22
1937-38              no. 118              "O Inimigo da Multidþo"
                     (script 10)          ("Circle of Death")                       22
1937-38              no. 113              "Ambi‡þo que Mata"
                     (script 11)          ("The House of Greed")                    23
1937-38              no. 119              "A M£sica da Morte"
                     (script 12)          ("The Death Triangle")                    24
1937-38              no. 123              "O Fantasma Justiceiro"
                     (script 13)          ("The Cold Death")                        23
1937-38              no. 193              "A Vingan‡a do Fracassado"
                     (script 93)          ("The Voice of Death")                    24
1937-38              no. 122              "A Liga do Terror"
                     (script 16)          ("The League of Terror")                  25
1937-38              no. 126              "Sabotagem!"
                     (script 17)          ("Sabotage")                              23
1937-38              no. 29               "O Caso dos Passaportes Falsos"
                     (script 18)          ("The Society of the Living Dead")        26
1937-38              no. 169              "Terror em Nova York"
                     (script 19)          ("The Poison Death")                      28
1937-38              no. 115              "A Voz do Morto"
                     (script 20)          ("The Phantom Voice")                     20
1937-38              no. 11               "O Refugio da Rocha Negra"
                     (script 35)          ("Black Rock")                            25
1937-38              no. 14               "A Morte Cega"
                     (script 36)          ("Death is Blind")                        27
1937-38              no. 16               "Convidados da Morte"
                     (script 41)          ("Guest of Death")                        27
1937-38              no. 15               "Sonhos que Matam"
                     (script 44)          ("Ghosts that Kill")                      25
1939-40              no. 17               "Os Bandoleiros da Noite"
                     (script 55)          ("The Night Marauders")                   29
1939-40              no. 185              "A Morte Faz a Experiencia"
                     (script 61)          ("The Inventor of Death")                 24
1939-40              no. 194              "Vingan‡a no Subterrþneo"
                     (script 63)          ("Sandhog Murders")                       24
1939-40              no. 28               "O Roubo do Colar"
                     (script 64)          ("Death Shows the Way")                   27
1939-40              no. 202              "A Trinca Maldita"
                     (script 66)          ("Murder Incorporated")                   26


1944-45              no. 96               "A Deusa do Congo"
                     (script 195)         ("The Ebony Goddess")                     24
1944-45              no. 100              "O Bilhete do Sweepstake"
                     (script 196)         ("The Sweepstake Ticket")                 24
1944-45              no. 95               "A Morte Paga o Premio"
                     (script 197)         ("Death Pays the Premium")                22

1944-45              no. 89               "A Morte Ronda no Mar"
                     (script 198)         ("The Rocks of Doom")                     21
1944-45              no. 106              "Ladroes de Taxis"
                     (script 199)         ("The Stolen Cab Racket")                 25
1944-45              no. 204              "O Misterio de Zorgo e Joko"
                     (script 200)         ("Halloween in Vermont")                  27
1944-45              no. 98               "Assassinato no Museu"
                     (script 201)         ("Murder in the Museum")                  24
1944-45              no. 111              "A Morte Pesca no Mar"
                     (script 202)         ("Death Goes Fishing")                    26
1944-45              no. 93               "Pesadelos que Matam"
                     (script 203)         ("The Man Who Dreamed too Much")          26
1944-45              no. 90               "O Estranho Poder"
                     (script 204)         ("The Man who Wished Death")              21
1944-45              no. 99               "O Lagarto do Fogo"
                     (script 205)         ("The Lizard of Fire")                    20
1944-45              no. 109              "O Enigma de Caim"
                     (script 206)         ("The Immortal Murderer")                 23
1944-45              no. 75               "O Cavaleiro Fantasma"
                     (script 207)         ("The Ghost on Horseback")                24
1944-45              no. 73               "Fantasma Vingador"
                     (script 209)         ("The Phantom Brother")                   26
1944-45              no. 130              "A Memoria Perdida"
                     (script 210)         ("The Man with the Missing Memory")       24
1944-45              no. 116              "Assassinato Nas Trevas"
                     (script 211)         ("The Jekyll-Hyde Murders")               24
1944-45              no. 117              "Fraternidade Maldita"
                     (script 212)         ("Death is Just Around the Corner")       27
1944-45              no. 128              "O Assassinato do Juiz"
                     (script 213)         ("The Invisible Alibi")                   25
1944-45              no. 121              "O Diabolico Plano de Lucifer"
                     (script 214)         ("Lucifer has a Plan")                    27
1944-45              no. 163              "A Mascara da Morte"
                     (script 215)         ("The Face of Death")                     21
1944-45              no. 124              "O C daver Roubado"
                     (script 217)         ("The Disappearing Corpse")               27
1944-45              no. 125              "Cilada Contra o Sombra"
                     (script 219)         ("The Brief Fame of John Copper")         24
1944-45              no. 112              "A Caveira Luminosa"
                     (script 220)         ("The Case of the Flaming Skull")         27
1944-45              no. 131              "A Destru‡þo de Nova York"
                     (script 221)         ("The Destroyer")                         24
1944-45              no. 114              "Trag‚dia no Circo"
                     (script 222)         ("The Sword of Dengri-la")                27
1944-45              no. 120              "O Criminoso Invisivel"
                     (script 223)         ("The Little Man Who Wasn't There")       24
1945-46              no. 147              "O Ladrþo-Fantasma"
                     (script 1)           ("The Shadow in Danger")                  26
1945-46              no. 149              "A Mensagem do Morto"
                     (script 225)         ("The Thoughts of Death")                 24
1945-46              no. 143              "O Crime da Casa-Fantasma"
                     (script 226)         ("Death in the Darkness")                 23
1945-46              no. 158              "Morte Nas Trevas"
                     (script 227)         ("The Heartbeats of Death")               25
1945-46              no. 141              "A Vingan‡a do C‚go"
                     (script 228)         ("Blind Man's Folly")                     25
1945-46              no. 156              "A Maldi‡þo do Pantano"
                     (script 230)         ("Bayou")                                 23
1945-46              no. 146              "Crime Por Amor"
                     (script 231)         ("I Must Never Sleep Again")              25
1945-46              no. 164              "O Misterio do bar dos Artistas"
                     (script 232)         ("Spotlight on the Duchess")              25
1945-46              no. 138              "A Morte Tece a Rede"
                     (script 233)         ("Spider-Boy")                            24
1945-46              no. 162              "O Misterio da Torre do Farol"
                     (scripts 234)        ("Death Rises out of the Sea")            21
1945-46              no. 155              "Os Quatro Gigantes de Amsterdam"
                     (script 235)         ("The Four Giants of Amsterdam")          26
1945-46              no. 150              "O Brinde da Morte"
                     (script 236)         ("Murder by Candlelight")                 26
1945-46              no. 160              "Armadilha Para o Crime"
                     (script 237)         ("Relax and Murder")                      21
1945-46              no. 154              "Fantasmas Debaixo do Mar"
                     (script 238)         ("The Ship of the Living Dead")           24
1945-46              no. 159              "Crime na Vespera de Natal"
                     (script 239)         ("Three Crimes on Christmas Eve")         24
1945-46              no. 145              "O Que Voltou do Tumulo"
                     (script 240)         ("Back from the Grave")                   25
1945-46              no. 144              "A Maldi‡þo da Selva"
                     (script 243)         ("The Curse of the Cat")                  24
1945-46              no. 148              "O Salto da Morte"
                     (script 244)         ("Dream of Death")                        26
1945-46              no. 161              "Entre Sedas Anda o Crime"
                     (script 245)         ("Murder with Music")                     20
1945-46              no. 168              "A Cabe‡a Viva"
                     (script 246)         ("The Living Head")                       20
1945-46              no. 142              "A Morte por Encomenda"
                     (script 247)         ("Murder for Money")                      26
1945-46              no. 151              "O Ritual Sinistro"
                     (script 248)         ("The Hiss of Death")                     24
1945-46              no. 139              "O Drama no Pavilhþo"
                     (script 249)         ("The Island of Ancient Death")           26
1945-46              no. 140              "O Fantasma Sem Rosto"
                     (script 250)         ("The Ghost without a Face")              22
1945-46              no. 157              "Chantagem na Alta Roda"
                     (script 251)         ("Etched with Acid")                      25
1945-46              no. 153              "O Misterio do Zombie"
                     (script 252)         ("The Walking Corpse")                    23
1945-46              no. 152              "Os Tres Suicidios"
                     (script 253)         ("Mind over Murder")                      24
1945-46              no. 179              "O Fantasma da Madrugada"
                     (script 254)         ("The Ghost Wore a Silver Slipper")       21
1945-46              no. 175              "Os Mortos Tambem Morrem"
                     (script 255)         ("The Unburied Dead")                     22
1945-46              no. 182              "A Fera Humana"
                     (script 256)         ("Gorilla Man")                           25
1945-46              no. 180              "A Senten‡a do Destino"
                     (script 257)         ("The Dreams of Death")                   24
1945-46              no. 205              "O Feiticeiro da Ilha do Inferno"
                     (script 258)         ("The White Witchman of Lawaiki")         23
1945-46              no. 183              "A Familia Maldita"
                     (script 259)         ("The Bride Wore Black")                  27
1945-46              no. 186              "Armadilha de Parafina"
                     (script 260)         ("The Touch of Death")                    25
1945-46              no. 176              "A Quadrilha do Dragþo Negro"
                     (script 261)         ("They Kill with a Silver Hatchet")       22
1946-47              no. 192              "A Vampiro da Meia Noite"
                     (script 263)         ("Vampires Prowl by Night")               21
1946-47              no. 172              "A Volta do Passado"
                     (script 264)         ("The Killer on High Cliff Road")         22
1946-47              no. 173              "Resposta do Alem-Tumulo"
                     (script 265)         ("Die, Love, Die")                        22
1946-47              no. 198              "O Vale do Terror"
                     (script 267)         ("The Valley of Living Terror")           23
1946-47              no. 170              "Sangue Por Dinheiro"
                     (script 269)         ("Blood Money")                           20
1946-47              no. 177              "O Criador de Zombies"
                     (script 270)         ("Cave of the Zombies")                   19
1946-47              no. 195              "Mortos Falsificados"
                     (script 271)         ("Murder for Blackmail")                  26
1946-47              no. 174              "O Esfola Cadaver"
                     (script 272)         ("The Corpse without a Skin")             24
1946-47              no. 188              "O Fantasma do Campan rio"
                     (script 273)         ("The Phantom of the Haunted Steeple")    21
1946-47              no. 171              "Cemiterio de Vivos"
                     (script 275)         ("Makeup for Murder")                     21
1946-47              no. 178              "Sob a Beleza Sinistra do Luar..."
                     (script 278)         ("The Fine Art of Murder")                21
1946-47              no. 211              "Sombra de Suspeita"
                     (script 279)         ("Shadow of Suspicion")                   23
1946-47              no. 213              "Sangue Sobre Neve"
                     (script 280)         ("The Werewolf of Hamilton Mansion")      26
1946-47              no. 216              "O Misterio da Coleira"
                     (script 281)         ("The Cat and the Killer")                36
1946-47              no. 203              "Gargalhada da Morte"
                     (script 276)         ("The Devil Takes a Wife")                21
1946-47              no. 201              "Tragedia nos Bastidores"
                     (script 277)         ("Murder on the Main Stem")               25
1946-47              no. 214              "Tragedia no Hosp¡cio"
                     (script 283)         ("Death by Imagination")                  24
1946-47              no. 212              "O Perfume da Morte"
                     (script 284)         ("The Scent of Death")                    22
1948-49              no. 254              "Ao Abrir to T£mulo"
                     (script 303)         ("When the Grave is Open")                22
1948-49              no. 248              "A M scara nas Trevas"
                     (script 304          ("The Face")                              23
1948-49              no. 245              "Chantagem Contra Mulheres"
                     (script 305)         ("Death Takes the Wheel")                 21
1948-49              no. 250              "Vingan‡a de Sangue"
                     (script 306)         ("The Curse of the Gypsies")              25
1948-49              no. 243              "O Rubi de Kaarvahl"
                     (script 307)         ("The Ruby of Karvahl")                   21
1948-49              no. 244              "Ca‡ada Humana"
                     (script 308)         ("Death Hunt")                            22
1948-49              no. 242)             "Assassino Silencioso"
                     (script 312)         ("The Comic Strip Killer")                21
1948-49              no. 249              "O Assassinato do Medium"
                     (script 313)         ("Murder and the Medium")                 25
1948-49              no. 256              "A Quadrilha do mar"
                     (script 314)         ("Death Has Sharp Claws")                 22
1948-49              no. 241              "A Morte Ronda o Box"
                     (script 286)         ("Death Takes the Long Count")            21
1948-49              no. 237              "A Bruxa do Quarto Minguante"
                     (script 287)         ("The Witch of the Crescent Moon")        22
1948-49              no. 251              "A Morte Ati‡a o Fogo"
                     (script 288)         ("Death Fans the Flame")                  23
1948-49              no. 238              "O Misterio do Navio"
                     (script 289)         ("Mystery Ship")                          24
1948-49              no. 239              "Assassino Logrado"
                     (script 290)         ("Murder by Appointment")                 23
1948-49              no. 252              "Morte a Hora Certa"
                     (script 291)         ("Death by Clockwork")                    23
1948-49              no. 247              "Garotos Criminosos"
                     (script 292)         ("Crime in a Minor Key")                  23
1948-49              no. 255              "Crime na `Boite'"
                     (script 293)         ("The Great White Way to Death")          23
1948-49              no. 253              "O Roubo Escondido"
                     (script 294)         ("Death is the Keeper")                   24
1948-49              no. 240              "Expionagem no Expresso"
                     (script 295)         ("Murder Express")                        22
1948-49              no. 246              "A Liga Dos Suicidas"
                     (script 297)         ("Suicide League")                        22
1948-49              no. 257              "A Forra do Assassino"
                     (script 298)         ("The Shadow's Revenge")                  23
1948-49              no. 258              "Salto Para a Morte"
                     (script 299)         ("Death Rides High")                      23
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